Skin:MONS / Erina Skin (normal) - goldenhue b - natural
LipColor:PIDIDDLE - LipColor - Glossy I have a Secret/ NoTeeth
EarMuffs:Izzie's - *resize* Earmuffs brown (Gatcha)
Glasses:[DDL] Raining Inside (White) 2
Scarf:!O: for Collabor88 - A Lil' Foxy (Red Fox) (OLD C88)
Mittens:Izzie's - Norwegian Mittens brown
Cardigan:::C'est la vie !:: knit cardigan with fur(beige)
Shirt:Kyoot - Laced Autumn Crop Top - First Frost
Pant:[NV] Skinny Baggy -Leopard white
Shoes:[ef] - La Cheville Cale Boots - (HUD)
Belt:Belt White/Black *Tea Time*
Bag:MONS / Lady Lumen Shoulder Bag -sephia&black- (silver)
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