giovedì 10 giugno 2021


#OUTFIT LOOK008 -> Click and zoom for more details! <3

Skin: [Heaux] Yeona Skin - Light Brows - Shell
Hairbase: ::: Core ::: Shaved Head - Teal
Eyes: LOTUS Libra Eyes 17 RARE
Face Tattoo: {Milk*Toast} e-girl Just Hearts
Glasses: [BND] Retro Glasses
Septum: ^^Swallow^^ Septum Ring Dead Head (GOLD) (Gatcha)
Hat: KAI - beanie DEEF
Ears:  ^^Swallow^^ Dragon Ears
Jacket with Shirt: MIWAS / Not lonely Jacket #A RARE 
Skirt with Bag: `M.BIRDIE / Pookie look. Skirt
Tattoo (Legs: Believe BOM [LD Tattoo]
Shoes with Socks: [spectacledchic] Anya Shoes ( SCHOOL DAY EVENT - SUMMER )
Pose: SAPA
Skateboard: OldSchool SkateBoard v3.8 OfficineAliprandiMotorCycles

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